Eu juro que não entendo esta preocupação da esquerda em particular, sobre o Bozo ser ditador.

Honestly, I understand several criticisms and problems that the left has towards Bozo. I myself have written several texts assiduously criticizing him, because I don't really like Bozo - I consider him a bad president. But there's one point in particular that strikes me as pointless. Which is the whole speech characterizing Bozo as a potential dictator.Seriously, it makes no sense. What is the logic of someone who plans to implement a dictatorship adopting policies that facilitate weaponry? It would have to be very stupid to arm the population while aiming at a dictatorship, one of the needs of a dictatorship is precisely to make the population defenseless and monopolize the force so as not to give it the opportunity to react.Furthermore, in the establishment of a dictatorship it is necessary for the state to take control of the means of production of resources, after all, the population needs to be as dependent on the state as possible. After all, you can abuse and control someone at will as long as this person cannot live without you, as long as he is dependent on you to the end. However, Bozo adopts a policy of reducing government control of the media to enable them to be controlled by the population.

/r/brasilivre Thread