EU moves to regulate hormone-damaging chemicals linked to cancer and male infertility were shelved following pressure from US trade officials over the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade deal, newly released documents show.

Reddit isn't the best place to gain a true understanding about the way the world actually is.

I agree on the sentiment, but not on what you imply about the world. Of course the US is not an evil boogeyman. It's a major power, with a defined agenda, and a grasp on a huge number of other nations so much so that many consider them one with the US, if the US does, they do.

For example, France, or the UK. On the broader canvas they follow the trail set by the US interests (political and financial, which intertwine so much they might as well be considered one entity).

France though still likes to pretend it matters, but as of late it's getting back into the fold, and even things like their refusal to go to war in Iraq (a sentiment I share, though not for the same reasons) is not the stand against the US people call it. It had more to do with the relations of France with the Middle-East and Africa (specifically North Africa), which were the first to applaud the decision. One can reasonably wonder if that decision from France was not approved by the US power house to keep a foothold in countries such as Libya until their turn would come. And came it did, then France had not qualm throwing their former friend Gaddafi under the bus and the country with it, making it do a huge step backwards.

As you said, international politics are complicated, multiple forces are at play, but not as many as you'd believe. Ideologies are colliding, and their aren't that many of them. And that is where the "evil boogeyman" is for some of us, in the ideology the US sphere is promoting. And they present it in such a way as to make you look damn suspicious for not liking the ideas of it, capitalism, democracy, and freedom. I mean, who is against freedom right?

Their ideology is devoid of humanity and feeds on the misery and exploitation of a vast majority of our specie. It lies, steals, kills on a massive scale in order to maintain a control over the structure that allows them to act as such in impunity, and that structure is way more than just politics. And I'm not saying that it's the perfect harmony within the US sphere, but on the broader canvas, their ship steers in one uniform direction.

I think it's within my rights, at that of many, to show disdain for the US sphere when you see how it has been conducting itself for almost more than half a century now. And comments like the one from /u/TCMMT which are more and more common are simply an oversimplification of a broader sentiment that some feel is grounded in reality rather than them imagining things.

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