‘EU responsible for chaos in Syria' - France's Marine Le Pen

How are the Europeans responsible? They're not the ones who ruled Syria autocratically, they didn't implement a 50 year long state of emergency, with which they have used to detain and punish anyone on a whim as well as silence the opposition. They're not the ones who allowed a close clique of friends and family to engage in criminal enterprise and looting of the country's wealth. They're not the ones who distracted the populace from Syria's utter failure as a state, with the nearby Israel-Palestine conflict. They're not the ones who ignored a 3 year drought in Syria that led to shortages of food all over the country. They're not the ones who blamed the protests on the "Israeli conspiracy" to divide all Syrians.

The truth is that the rule of the Assad family is so untenable that a large minority would rather take arms or just leave the country altogether. To say that because some hand me down equipment and training were given to rebel groups, and that the coalition continues to airstrike salafist groups like IS and JAN, that somehow they share the blame for the destruction of the country. It's as if they don't understand what a civil war is, as if this were inner city chicago and not Eastern Aleppo.

If these self absorbed fools really believe that Syria is the way it is now because of EU and America, then maybe they should just withdraw from Syria and ignore them completely and spare themselves the "white man's guilt". All the sides in this conflict are low subhuman degenerates anyway, and no one is ever grateful for their help so just let them burn.

/r/worldnews Thread Link - rt.com