[EU] Write a story about an established universe that you don’t know much about. Do NO research and make things up as you go.

"Oh, no!" cried the vampire that sparkled for some bullshit reason. He had just vampired on over to a high school and saw a very plain-looking girl who was physically incapable of smiling. "My vampire-ness prevents me from actually feeling, but I think I'm in love or some bullshit." He continued to sparkle as the girl approached him. She continued to not smile or display any emotion other than disgust, which the vampire found appealing for some bullshit. "Hi," the girl said, "I'm like, 18 or some bullshit, and my name is Girl." The vampire sparkled nervously. "Uh... Hi," he stammered, "I'm definitely not hundreds of years old or a vampire or some bullshit, and my name is Jacob McVampire."

Jacob McVampire and Girl stared longingly into each others eyes, but no bystanders could tell it was longing because their faces were both scowling. In fact, all bystanders present for the conversation wondered if either of the two had any other facial expressions than the repulsive sneer. they constantly wore. Girl stared into Vampire's eyes for about twelve sparkles, and suddenly another tool came up to them. As he started to talk, his shirt disappeared. "Hey, I'm, like, not a werewolf or anything that's also wicked old or some bullshit, and my name is Edward O'Werewolf. I hate this guy I haven't even met and am deeply in love with you, Girl, for some bullshit reason."

Jacob growled at Edward, and Edward sparkled in what could be interpreted as an angry way at Jacob. In other news, the author is fairly certain that they messed up the names there, but don't give a damn because its all bullshit. The girl said something about being on one of their teams or some bullshit and then the original author, named Stephanie Meyer or some bullshit made millions because people have no taste. Also it was at that time between sunset and dusk, for some bullshit reason.

This is the worst thing I've ever written on r/WritingPrompts. I'm ashamed, and would like to explain that it is intentionally awful to capture just how much I hate the very idea of *Twilight. I'm very tired.*

/r/WritingPrompts Thread