Eugene drivers

I wish that they understood that stop means STOP--not slow down to 15 mph and then gun it through the intersection.

Where I'm living, there are two intersections with four-way stops at the end of the block. We can watch people run those stops signs all day and night. It's rare that someone actually STOPS.

There is not clear visibility in all directions for them to see there is no kids, pets, bicycles, pedestrians, other cars. One has a large tree and fence blocking the cross street view completely. The other has a large box truck parked in front of the house there that belongs to the owner; you can not see around that beast lol.

Another scary spot is the road that goes to Skinner Butte. The stops at the bottom there seem to be a suggestion, as is the speed limit. We often go walk up the butte, and it's a bit scary how fast people drive up that small crooked road, and ignore the stop signs at the bottom.

/r/Eugene Thread