Eureddision returns!

Might be a chance to shake hands with their alleged Albanian brothers. This is a bit like Arabs coming down on Arabs who fraternise with Israelis, betraying their quest to free Palestine for what it really is, a quest to destroy Israel.

If you earnestly wish a healthy realtionship with Kosovarians as though you were one people (united under one government), start acting like it and don't let your actions betray your words. There's a reason it came this far and it won't change now that it did, not without a lot of bloodshed.

Make the best out of it, you won't get more. I know what it's liek on a much more personal level, since I lost the love of my life to that kind of self-righteous hurtfulness. Your only chance to get good with Kosovarians is if you accept them for what they are now.

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