Europe vs America

You’re stupid, first of all, because Europe is a continent, US is a country.

Apples and oranges.

Anyway, I know, “gUnS aRe BaD” ..Remember the teacher that got beheaded in broad daylight while those war-losing sissies did nothing because they’re government doesn’t allow them to defend themselves. Probably why they lost… They just watched a man have his head hacked off. And not swiftly. If ONE person had a gun, they could’ve saved that teacher. But they don’t, so they didn’t, so he’s a dead. “Fuck him!” Must’ve been what they thought. The government about citizens defending themselves how the citizens see fit, I mean.

“Oh, you want to save your own life? We don’t allow citizens to have guns. Oh, that criminal over there, shooting everyone? Don’t worry about him. He’s allowed to have the gun because he won’t listen to us. Yes. That’s the only reason. You obeyed. He did not. Well, you gave up your human rights to everything this world has to offer man, and they didn’t. See, they want to rob people so they need the gun. That’s why they didn’t listen. I know, I know, you just want to save your family when a man comes in to rob, rape and murder them. But, you have to figure that out with your hands. Or maybe a big stick. Yeah, that’ll work for ya. A big stick. Everyone in the entire country will receive one big stick…. To shove up your asses as you do exactly what we tell you to while you watch a man get beheaded or your wife raped.”

Yeah, I’m good on all that. I’ll defend my family HOW I CHOOSE!

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