[EUW]-[S]-[D5+]-[LF Jungle + Toplane]-[Ranked 5v5, Tournaments]

Top laner Application Form

IGN: AA Kazuka.

Age: 21.

Nationality: Danish.

Name: Mads Worsøe.

Nickname (what you'd like to be called by the team): I have a Danish nickname, "Fugl" (aka Bird in Danish), but people usually call me Kaz or Kazuka.

How long you can play during the week/weekend: Not sure what this question is asking about, it is formulated quite oddly. I can play till quite late on week days and most of the nights during the weekend. I have some fixed schedule days because of studdies, so I would prefer to play later during the afternoon (20:00 till 24:00 GMT+1).

Favorite Champions: I like to play tanky champions in top lane, so the current meta fit me quite well. My most favorite champions are: Shen, Gnar, Maokai, Irelia, Renekton, Shyvana and Dr. Mundo.

Secondary Champion pool: I can also play support, ap or assassin top laners. Champions like Lulu, Lissandra, Morgana, Jayce, Akali, Kennen, Fizz and Nidalee.

Playstyle (detailed): I like to play aggresive and take calculated risks in order to punish my enemies mistakes. Whenever my team have a lead I want to push it even further instead of giving the enemy a chance to come back into the game, I believe it's better to force objectives whenever you build a lead. I am a very vocal player that likes to communicate a lot, which has caused me to often be the natural shot caller on most teams, but I can take a more relaxed reactive role in the team. I'm a big fan of early pink wards as I believe they are very strong. I get red trinket as soon as I hit lvl 9 unless I am on a splitpush champion, because I believe vision control is the key to winning games and gettin free kills with face checks in brushes is very easy when you have denied vision around drake or baron.

Current Ranking: Currently in promos for Diamond 4

Peak Ranking (all time): I was Diamond 1 with about 30 LP in the last season.

Favorite Team comp (if any): I don't have a specific prefered teamcomp, but I prefer teamcomps that have a clear goal and a good winning condition that isn't dependent on a lot of "what ifs".

Other champions you like to have on your team: I don't have a preference for specific champions on the team. I believe the game is very balanced currently and that it is more important to be able to play your champion to the fullest than playing a specific strong champion. If you are a scary good Ziggs or Vel'Koz mid I don't mind it, as long as the teamcomp is built around it.

Why should we choose you to play on the team: I am hardworking to playing well and improving as a team. I am in the mindset that being good in League is being a good team player, although you have to perform as an individual as well.

/r/TeamRedditTeams Thread