Evangelicals are now the key constituency in the Republican Party. They are reaping the benefits.

So no, you're not "necessarily going to be a conservative in the current political zeitgeist."

You are if you actually teach and live by traditional Christian morality. Inclusion is good but you make no mention of being Christlike in turning people away from sin. What good is it if you feed people only for them to lose their souls? And if you're not concerned with peoples souls then how is your "Christianity" distinguishable from secular humanism?

It's not obsessed with what goes on between adults in the bedroom.

So like many left wing Christians you erroneously think that permissiveness means you are loving. It seems very strange to me that you somehow think that taking a laisseiz faire attitude towards morality somehow is "Christian" when you can easily read the letters of Paul and see that he is extremely stringent about living in the correct way.

If your attitude is conflict with scripture, the Church and the Saints then shouldn't you be concerned you're in error? And if you claim that your personal brand of Christianity is superior then aren't you just creating your own doctrine at a whim and becoming a heretic?

/r/Christianity Thread Parent Link - vox.com