Even after going into NG+, the weapon damage number stats still confuse me.

Looking at pure numbers usually won't help you much in terms of figuring out how much damage you will deal since those numbers are only true when you hit an enemy that doesn't resist and isn't weak to the weapon itself. After that, attack type comes in (blunt, thrust etc) which also plays a role in the actual damage output.

The best you can do to get accurate results is to simply hit different enemies with different attack types with the same weapon. The attack rating of any weapon is just there to give you an idea of about how much damage it will deal, not the actual damage unless the enemy is absolute neutral to the weapon itself and neutral to the attack type. Defense is also a thing, just to make it all the more cloudy.

To actually answer your question:

The first two numbers "99 > 99" are the base stats of your Saw Cleaver. These numbers will only increase when you use Blood Stone Shards, Twin Blood Stone Shards, Blood Stone Chunks or Blood Rocks. You can view such numbers as the trickweapons Base Stats.

The following "+4 > +4" numbers indicates that one or more Blood Gems have been infused into your Cleaver. Removing all Blood Gems will also remove all bonuses that the Blood Gems provides the trickweapon with, meaning that a trickweapon with no Blood Gems will have "0 > 0" here. Only Blood Gems can affect these numbers.

/r/bloodborne Thread