[Event] A meeting of equals

Serenei fussed with her hands, the clacking of the nails on the small table not random at all. An agreed upon signal, ensuring the men behind her did not... overreact. Only a few guards, of course. Nothing overtly threatening. The men affected an appearance of both relaxation, yet still on edge. A row of suspicious carrying shades of purple eyes stared at their counterparts.

She affected a simpering smile at the man then. In truth his pinched face and lank hair earned disdain, but apparent interest from a pretty woman was a tool Aegon used when he could. It irritated Serenei, that that was her worth at times.

"Welcome, Welcome, Captain Ambra." Came the lilting voice from Aegon, pleasant and warm. His head tilted slightly, the braids of his hair swaying. It was an old style, the left side of his head shaved, the right braided. Gold ornaments were woven into the braids. His gloved hand gestured to the seat in front of him. "Sit, please. There is good wine, Volantene Red. Good to wet the tongue before business starts, no?"

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