Event Megathread - Universe in Unison

This is definitely an unpopular opinion but I find it pretty disappointing that Roon Muse is so good to be honest. You would expect and hope that the PR version would be stronger but it just isn't, and they knew what they were doing as soon as they made her stats BETTER than the PR version (Equal stats but more HP). Yeah, maybe PR Roon is a bit better defensively but only very marginally and it's nothing compared to being worse offensively.

And yeah I know you can still use PR Roon and she is still a T0 CA and she'll still be used in Operation Siren, etc. The point is, PR Ships are the end game ships and it's a bit of a buzz kill seeing a non PR version of the same ship just be flat out better. I don't see any reason why a PR ship should have worse stats than a non PR version. I hope it doesn't become a trend.

/r/AzureLane Thread