Have you ever appreciated someone’s existence so much you sincerely only wish them the best

Yes. When I was in 6th grade, this boy who sat behind me was putting away his colored pencils a minute before the bell rang. He had a packet with more colors than just the normal 10, and his packet box was on his desk, so I was kind of reading all of the different colors on it. And before putting it away, he asked me if I was done reading it. Not in a sarcastic mean type of way, he was just so considerate and thoughtful he noticed I was reading it and wanted to let me finish. Sweetest kid ever, felt real bad when stuff happened to him. And he was just generally like that. He came from Nigeria, and he told me this story about when he went to school there, I guess it was a Christian school, about how his teacher thought he took something he didn't and told him he wasn't a child of God, and he said it like it was the funniest thing ever, because everyone is a child of God. Athiest as I was at the time, I didn't really get it, but he was just a really nice guy.

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