Do you ever look back at your exes and think, "Jesus H. Christ, I dodged a real bullet on that one."

Its about 50/50 for me. It really depends on how they treated me. If they were shitty to me, I care so little about where they are now that I honestly couldn't tell you what they are up to or where they are. If they were gave me great memories, then we usually kept in touch for a little bit before just kind of going our separate ways. And usually in that case, I know that I was the bullet they dodged.

Let me explain:

One woman I dated...years of emotional and eventually physical abuse. I never struck back and I rationalized away how wrong it was. I have no idea if she is dead or not, and don't even care.

Another I dated was awesome...but she had a kid. He was awesome too, actually. I really cared about them. We had met through work, at a place I began immediately excelling at. But it was entry level, I wasn't making much money, and for some reason I just had this nagging feeling that my life was about to get really shitty. I spoke with her about this fear, and she tried to assure me that I was probably going to be successful because I have a stellar work ethic. But I just couldn't shake the feeling that some bad shit was right around the corner and eventually broke up with her. She understood, but she was obviously a bit hurt though we stayed friends. She eventually started dating a guy that was really successful, I met him a few times and he was actually super chill and we got along. I kept advancing in my career and they got married.

I lost touch with them, but last I heard everything was good. Which actually makes me happy. Because I was right, my life got really really shitty. It was a good mix of my own bad choices mixed with family/former friends/ex co workers sabotaging me. I am so glad that I didn't let that woman and her kid stick around for it. Because I don't think I could have stayed strong for them in the shitstorm and they would have been dragged into it. I mean, I didn't stay strong, I fucking crashed and burned really bad. You know its pretty bad when mental health professionals are kind of shocked I didn't wind up permanently crazy from all this shit. And because of this whole experience, I've been single for over 6 years after breaking up with her and realizing I was right. I obviously don't want to invite something as horrible as the one ex I mentioned. But I especially don't want to face the experience of meeting a great person and inviting them into the smoldering remains of my life either. I realized how to not let things get so bad, but unfortunately it involves keeping my distance from pretty much everyone in every sense. I no longer have friends. I don't speak with my family. I work full time...but its nothing special and I can't seem to make as much money as I was before everything blew up in my face. And life is much more peaceful now that I keep people away.

shrugs that's my experience with this sort of thing.

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