Have you ever been approached by a girl that previously rejected you?

This actually just happened to me last weekend. I've known the girl at hand for almost a year (we've had several classes together), and had a really big crush on her at first. However, we were both in long term relationships when we met, and since I enjoyed her company I was happy to just be her friend.

We were friends for a while, until I broke up with my SO and needed a place to stay for a few weeks. As they say, living with somebody WILL change how you think of them.

Long story short, we got in a really big fight, she asked me to leave, and we didn't speak for several months. Recently, she reached out to me because she wanted apologize (was having a really hard time, took it out on me, etc), so we met up for coffee, and I helped her move into her new place shortly after that.

About a week ago, she broke up with her SO. I wasn't aware of this until we got lunch on Saturday, which was followed by buying a lego set and going to my house to build it. She was definitely giving me signs of interest (touching hands, open posture towards me, etc), but I wasn't sure where to take it because we had been friends for so long.

She made it very clear after we finished the lego. This sounds like bullshit but swear to god, she turned, looked me right in the eyes, and said "do you want to fuck?"

Overall 9/10, totally got used as a rebound but I don't really care because A. it was awesome and B. Her motivations for sex don't matter to me. I was just happy to provide.

Still not sure who picked up who... I suggested the lego set as a fun activity that would also get her in my room, but she told me later that she hit me up for lunch with the intention of having sex. Team effort I guess?

Overall, patience and being a good friend can take you a long way and sometimes lead to unexpected results.

/r/AskMen Thread