Have you ever been inescapably cornered by a hun?

- I was 18 working in a gas station and was asked to be a "model" for an AVON woman (being I was tall and thin, I naively thought she'd apply makeup to me and model me for sales.) She told me to bring a friend. My Mom drove us 25 miles to a hotel where we sat in a big banquet room with over a hundred other people, at a table with other women she knew or conned. She showed up, told us to apply our own makeup with the AVON compacts. The modeling part was everyone single file walking across the makeshift stage at the front.. Not a cat walk. Not modeling. We were just 2 confused party girl teens with no money. We left right after that.

- Sister registered with a Bridal Shop and won a bride and bridesmaids spa day. I believe I gave in and went, because she insisted it had to be real. Myself, her and her friend. It was at a hotel (of course) with a big beautiful bar in the lobby. We saw a big Mary Kay sign when we got to the room.The meeting room is much smaller, 30 women, 3-4 at a table. We sit at the front with the little empty pink compact and they walk around the room filling it with different samples that which we applied ourselves. It was an ambush. Their jokes were lame, they sold the Mary Kay lifestyle which was lame, it was so lame myself and her friend were rolling our eyes. They finished and were taking orders, so we snuck out to the bar and were having a good ass time. My sister stayed back and bought some stuff. Well, about 45 min. later, these MK ladies are at the bar asking us to please come back and we did and we both had to sit with a rep. individually while she asked what we wanted to purchase. Maybe it was because I was 21 at the time, but we easily could have just told her to piss off, but I wanted the lip mask. I had given them a fake name as soon as I saw it was MK, so when she saw the name on my card wasn't what I gave them, it just got even more weird.

/r/antiMLM Thread