Have you ever been scared to post your thoughts here? Or anywhere?

Not really as no one would believe the full story anyways. It's all set up anyways at this point. Even if half of the people on earth really got how bad a one world government is they will in the end not only accept it but actively beg for it.

People want to see a history filled with glory even if it took revisions to make that happen. People want those they disagree with to be demonized by someone and the media will happily provide this and more to them as people love adding a new villain onto their hate list.

People have a burning desire for convince and are willing to have their government kill people in 3rd world to keep it up to the highest quality while claiming to be righteous by caring about the animals. People steal from and kill each other for fucking paper or now data on a bank account spread sheet.

I know this last point I will make is greatly up for debate, but the evil pricks manufactured a artificial manmade hurricane just to jack up the price of oil but this too people beg for so that fit's an agenda sold to them on how buying LED light bubs and recycling will save us from the "out of control" weather that they planted the seeds for in the first place.

/r/conspiracy Thread