Have you ever been at a wedding where it was obvious to you the couple was doomed? What happened?

My cousin got married at our farm / barn house. Her fiancé was a recovering alcoholic and made good money. She has been doing pills and stupid shit her whole life (lost 2 of her kids from 2 different fathers) and was always SUPER unstable and in trouble with the law. Well, when the time comes he walks out side for the ceremony and is so drunk he is literally falling over and cannot walk or hold himself up. 2 grown men had to hold his limp body up while they were getting married. His family was crying and it was super awkward but everyone just went along with it. Now it’s about 5 years later and he’s laying in his death bed from liver damage (or something related to drinking himself to death) and my cousin is out of the picture.

Pretty fucked up tbh

/r/AskReddit Thread