Have you ever (correctly) had a gut-feeling to dislike someone who, on the surface, was a cool person that everybody else liked? What's that story?

I'm with you on this. Hyper religious people I've known of throughout my life were always...off and used church as a reset button to balance the depraved shit they're into.

Some others use church as a quick way to win someone's trust when they mean harm.

Story 1. Local guy in my town who's into a youth for Christ program often cheats on his wife with at risk women and uses the excuse that them being on drugs makes his actions forgivable.

Story 2. Went to church with my mom when I was around 15 to try get baptised. Priest was making me extremely uncomfortable. Suggested to my mom I stay behind because bible lessons were mandatory before a baptism. He didn't make this suggestion to my 9 year old cousin who was also there to get baptised. He'd make me read at the podium and stare at me really weird. Never went back despite how furious my mom was.

Story 3. Another priest who'd often go to local Indian reserves under the guise he was helping women with their addictions when really he'd ply them with more alcohol to molest or assault them.

Story 4. Had a friend growing up who's father was a minister. He was a child beater.

Other stories have mostly involved a minister with a family buying gay porn after mass (I used to work in an adult shop) or a cross dressing priest. Least they kept it within their household but still.

I'd further trust an atheist than a militant Christian.

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