Have you ever dreamed that you were injured or killed (if that's even possible)?

I've dreamed that I've been shot in the head and the body.

I have drowned in dreams. Dreamt of being in car crashes. Train crashes. Plane crashes.

Out of control monster Elevators that crash to the ground or shoot through the roof. Frozen to death. Suffocated. Stabbed. Died of old age. Burnt to death.

Fallen from terrifying heights and yes I dreamt of the impact.

My dreams are lucid and vivid and often I wake up in them.

I've had monsters chase and kill me in my dreams since I have living memories.

Probably at least twice a week since I was about 4 years old I'll dream, sometimes it's a nice dream.

Often it's of landscapes I've never been to or seen before - places that even in my dream mind I equate to other planets or times and not everybody is human in them.

I've felt the impact of being shot and my soul detaching from my body in dreams - the terror and the knowledge that it was the end - it was vivid but not lucid. Knowing you are dying. Last thoughts. Then being free from your body in the dream.

Travelling at lightening fast speeds over bridges that seem made of glass that go over huge expanses of water then crashing off them only to drown submerged in the train.

I've been hit by trains, cars, buses. All in dreams. Nightmares are kind of normal for me. Hey sometimes I don't dream - but that's not interesting anymore lol.

Point of this? I'm still alive despite all the dreams so no I don't think what happens in dreams is always going to happen and come true.

/r/morbidquestions Thread