Have you ever ended a friendship over your AN outlook?

BFF is a conservative Christian. He can have a rational discussion/debate and is otherwise cool even if you don't have a good experience with conservative Christians. However, he is QUITE baked into his belief.


AN doesn't offend him or anything: he just thinks it's flat out wrong because his belief is that his Calvinistic, double predestination god is the embodiment of perfection so by definition him, his pastor, their apologist philosophers like WLC couldn't reasonably be wrong. Also "tHe HiStOrCiTy" of Bible. Also confessions.


He doesn't bring up religion; I unfortunately do since I was a believer and AN didn't directly cause it but since my philosophical position is heavily AN based, our discussions don't end up well. No fighting or anything bad but I leave every long convo that has been about life, religion, truth feeling...IDK something like getting stoned would have been "better"/more productive/etc.

As interested as I am in exploring religious/spiritual thought for knowledge's sake, unless they are the most chilled out Buddhist (even they can be dogmatic in some of their beliefs), having a rational/philosophical discourse with people who are into a religion/philosophical religion doesn't really go anywhere.

/r/antinatalism Thread