do you ever feel that you always carry your Family's problems but they don't even bother asking if you are okay?

My parents immigrated to the US and I'm an only child so I mostly got away from that problem. That is until my adult cousin decided to go to grad school in the US and the extended family bullied me into helping him. He's the youngest cousin and the only boy in the family. He has absolutely no experience living an independent life because the entire family spoiled him rotten. I didn't mind helping him on things he's not familiar with in the US but they expected me to handhold him through the entire schooling experience. I live halfway across the country from his school too. His dad even had to audacity to tell me to call him every single day. I don't even call my parents every single day. I finally told everyone he's a grown ass adult, he needs to learn doing things on his own. No one helped me when I went to school. Thousands of international students managed to get around without handholding.

The worst part is my grandfather passed away around that time. He was the one person in my extended family who wouldn't let anyone bully me because I'm a girl. If he was alive he would have yell at my cousin to grow the fuck up.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread