Have you ever felt that sweet relief of removing a toxic person from your life and what's the story?

I had a close friend a few years ago. I grew extremely close to him, and told him nearly everything. For a while it was great, I really liked being around him. I caught him lying to me a few times, didn't think anything of it. Eventually mutual friends that I was also close with told me that he consistently talked bad about me. This was followed with him constantly lying to me and lying to others about me. Every time I was in a happy relationship, he would do everything in his power to destroy it. He would start meaningless fights with me over everything. He put me down. He knew EXACTLY how to get under my skin. He made up rumors, would go out of his way to get people to not like me (it didn't work.) It almost seemed like he made it his mission to destroy me.

I was mentally weak at this point in time, I was going through a rough time with my family (my dad almost died and was in and out of hospitals for 5 years.) He knew this and I think he wanted an easy target. And I let him, every time he hurt me I still let him back in. He knew exactly what to say to get me to trust him, and every time I let him back in he would find another way to mentally destroy me.

I grew stronger and I stopped being friends with him. I cut all contact with him.

It really fucked me up for a while. It was hard for me to trust anyone, I grew apart from some really close friends.

It's been 3 years however, and I'm doing better than ever. I'm stronger than ever, I'm top of my class in college and I have plenty of REAL friends. I steer clear of drama. I regret letting him fuck my head up for so long, but it is what it is. I'm doing so well with my life, while he's still caught up in high school drama.

/r/AskReddit Thread