Have you ever felt underappreciated when you compared how your date/SO/friend treats you and someone else? How did you bring it up to them?

My best friend in college and I were in the same major and had classes with all the same people, we all got along because it was a relatively small group. She was also close with two other women in the program and the three of them would hang out a lot but she never would invite me along.

At first I thought, whatever we don't need to be together all the time. But those hangouts started happening more and more. And including more and more other people from the program. Again - I got along really well with all of these people so it wasn't that my personality clashed with every single other person in the program or anything.

I started to feel really underappreciated the more it went on; I invited her along to everything I did with all of my other friends and couldn't understand why she didn't want me to hang out with her and the others all together.

I didn't get an opportunity to express anything to her, though, because by the time it had gotten to the point where I wanted to say something I figured out the reasonings behind it.

/r/AskWomen Thread