have you ever full on punched someone in high school and why?

My Senior year we had just gotten our class rings so we were all wearing them. I Go to first period still half way asleep and pissed off cause I was at school. This dude decides he wants to be a dick and throw a big ass role of duct tape and it hit me square in the face, I jumped up out of my seat so fast and went up to the guy that threw it and hit him as hard as I could in the right jaw. As you can imagine this kid dropped and there’s blood coming out of his lip but not really bad enough where it was dripping. So the teacher told me to wait outside and he came out there about 10 minutes later and told me I needed to come back after school and talk to them and that I was not in trouble, I was in disbelief. When I showed up after my last class he made me clean his classroom and do busy work and I never got in any trouble and not another word was ever said about it.

/r/AskReddit Thread