Have you ever had a crush on someone who turned out to be a major asshole?

We went to school together from kindergarten through senior year of high school. I had a massive crush on him during 8th grade and freshman year, but he paid no attention to me. Sophomore year we started hanging out in the same social circle and he finally started noticing me. We made out a few times here and there, but never really dated or anything.

One night during junior year we were at the same party and hung around each other. I don’t remember what happened, but he was super angry and I guess I said something that pushed him over the edge because he grabbed my crappy flip phone out of my hands and smashed it to pieces. Then said it was my fault.

After that happened I didn’t really hang out with him anymore, until one night during senior year when he showed up at my house. I went outside to meet him and got into his car. Turns out he was high on cocaine and tried to force himself on me. I got out of the car and told him to fuck off.

After we graduated he was in and out of jail for drug offenses. I ran into him the last time he was out and we talked for a few minutes. He seemed like he was finally in a better place so I wished him well, told him to stay out of trouble, and went on my way.

Two weeks after that conversation he was driving while high on heroin and hit and killed a bicyclist. He’s since been sentenced to 10 to life.

Definitely an asshole.

/r/AskReddit Thread