Ever had a student outburst? How did you handle it?

Have I had students who had outbursts.


I'll stick to sharing just one for now:

Multiple reports to student conduct office, just about one every class day. Behavior included throwing things, breaking things, punching walls, sometimes shouting, sometimes just seething. Full-blown meltdown in my office during office hours when I was trying to help them understand a concept. Had to call campus PD for that and a few other incidents. Several colleagues were witness to the events and were worried enough for my safety to start taking turns standing watch in the hall by my class.

The action from student conduct? Have a meeting with the student. Tell them "no no no, we expect you not to do that." Rinse and repeat for every incident. Despite multiple warnings from both me and my chair that this was a dangerous situation for everyone involved (the class includes a lab, btdubs) and that the student was not in a position to succeed in the class to begin with (their prerequisite was from another college notorious for massively inflating grades). They simply refused to even consider removing the student.

Then another student in the class complained, citing fear for their safety. Magically, the temperamental student was removed.

The lesson here? Sure would be fucking nice to be believed, but you'll need a student's testimony to back you up. (Also, I have some amazing colleagues. Love you, you nerdy BAMFs.)

/r/Professors Thread