Do you ever just want to smash your phone and disappear from all connected life?

I've considered creating a dedicated email for my closest friends and family and boot the phone and all social media- Move out of town and just restart... But, no matter what point in life you're in a restart is definitely "harder" than keeping it how it is... And right now I need to keep communication "easier"... It's just about what you need... You can't go halfass with a restart... Throwing your phone in the sea and then going back to the same ol' job, seeing the same people, the only difference being it's really hard to communicate with them now will just piss off everyone around you that wants to communicate with you and make things a lot harder (especially if you're not good at meeting new people).... Deactivate all your accounts sure, but instead of booting the phone I'd just change the number and then only give it out to the people you want to keep in communication... That'll help with the whole moving far away thing lol

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread