Have you ever known anyone who led an unbearably miserable life?

My step dad.

I was 13 when he and my mom remarried. He had two kids from his first wife (they're cool) and he and I didn't like each other almost immediately.

He works constantly with two full time jobs. 6am-4pm (give or take) than a 10:00pm-5am (give or take) job. He does this every day, but he might have one job off one day or so out of the week. He's middle aged and he does this still.

I respect people who work hard, don't get me wrong. Supporting yourself/your family is great. But he doesn't need to do this. He makes over $100K a year and it's because he works himself to death. He has no interest in spending time with his family or kids. He just straight up goes to work, sleeps, eats, and repeat.

He's admitted to being a lousy father. He's narrow-minded and thinks everyone who doesn't work like him (even if they're financially stable and happy and stuff) is a "pile of shit-trash". My mom has offered to have him quit a job and she can then go full time (she's well educated and can match his income). He refuses because he wants to control the money, but also wants to complain and make everyone be so awe-inspired by his work ethic.

It's taken a huge toll on his health. He ate sugar, junk food, and soda (multiple leaders a day) every day for well over a decade. He was diagnosed with diabetes a few years ago.

His kids and I are all adults. He never sees his kids, they don't care one way or another about seeing him. He doesn't have friends and people I've talked to said he's one of the angriest, most unpleasant person they ever met.

He cheated on his first wife after he got everything he wanted. She was a housewife, had two kids, they built an awesome house. But then he got "bored" and cheated. He did the same thing to my mom after they had been married for a while. Each time he had it made, he even got a second chance with my mom (who was nothing but a good and faithful partner) and he screwed it up twice.

He's just never going to be happy. Ever. We've all kind of realized this. It sucks because his kids are nice people as are his parents and stuff. He's just a miserable person and I feel genuinely bad for him.

/r/AskReddit Thread