Do you ever meet someone and think "wow, if we had met at a different time, we would have made a great couple?"

I still remember one instance of this even though it was over a decade ago.

I was I believe 13/14 at the time on vacation in Cape Cod with my family (from California here). We went to the movies since it was raining and at one point I left to get a refill of popcorn. Now most of Cape Cod small town-ish so the theater was pretty empty but when I came out of my theater I saw a girl around my age at the time for only about like 10 seconds talking to I assume her family and she went into a theater.

I still have no explanation for it to this day but it’s the only time in my life I froze looking at someone, and when I snapped out of it I went into the theater to find her. No plan or anything just this almost instinctual feeling that I needed to find her or talk to her or something. I never saw her anywhere in the dark of the theater but I still remember it to this day. I don’t even really know how to describe the feeling to anyone, it was just this surreal brain shutting down feeling.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread