Have you ever met a psycopath? How was it? How did you find out?

I'm not sure if I'm a psychopath, or sociopath, or something else. I'm not sure I can be categorized, but would appreciate if someone could try. I've killed stray cats when I was younger to see what it feels like; I didn't feel anything during, but afterwords I felt glorified. It's basically just hunting though. I also used to enjoy watching best gore when I was younger. I usually daydream of scenarios where I can kill someone in a bloody mess, legally, even before best gore. I do have feelings, but I can also be very cruel, and I'm aware that it's cruel, but it's usually righteous to me. I love to watch people suffer who deserve it, but not nice people who don't. I have a rule for my self to never fully trust anyone, it works great, and I can usually tell who not to trust at all just based on their facial expressions, body language, tone, mental tactics they like to use, and I have studies all of that extensively on my own time. I do love to talk to people and be the best comedian I can. When I was younger I was always playing the comedian to make friends and make people laugh, but just came out as annoying. I've never had any lasting relationship with anyone whether it be friends or girlfriends because it just fades away. I've only had serious feeling for one girl my last year of high school, but she didn't want it to happen, so I let it go. Every other girl I meet on dating apps is just to bust a nut, but there is somewhat of an attachment for them if I see them long enough. I get this illusion where I smell pussy when I really need to bust a nut, lol. I'm not a serial killer. I would never do anything illegal because I don't want to go to prison. I'm a marine veteran who got out honorably recently. You can guess the reason I joined. Can someone diagnose me?

/r/AskReddit Thread