Have you ever met a really intelligent person who didn’t really know how smart they were? What was your experience with them?

I was a little like this in school. I went to a really well funded, great school growing up and I always made honor roll. Then I moved with a family member in high school to a lower income neighborhood where the schools were horrible. I started ditching school a lot and barely turning in homework and getting dress code all the time. It wasn’t because I was bad and didn’t like school, but I knew everything I was being taught already and school became extremely boring. Do you know how annoying it is to sit in a classroom being “taught” something you already know everyday? And watch other students around you struggle to understand it? Imagine having to go in everyday and learn the color wheel and simple math like subtraction and the teachers are stressed and hate their job and some of the other students don’t know 2+2 so they make jokes about it and nothing is taken seriously? I had more fun (& learned more life issues) hanging out at the Taco Bell down the street.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent