Do you ever get scared you're going to go through a hard time and your family will manipulate you into believing in God again?

Oh wow, no, youve miss diagnosed me doctor.

My posting history will reveal that I'm an artist, I comment on alot of art, and once in a blue moon I come to this community. How that makes me a narc makes no sense.

If anything atheists have narcissistic behavior, you guys are right in your own eyes. Always! u/ACaffeinatedWandress has pretty much ignored what ive even had to say, and just keeps repeating that all Christians are bad people because mommy and daddy were narcissists in her life.

Ive seen her posts. She has a problem with Narcissists not Christians. She's on suicide pages because of Narcissists not Christians. Shes even subbed to a Narcissist page to deal with Narcissists.

She's got a issue with bad people, not Christians. Its like being attacked by a dog, does that one dog make all dogs bad? Absolutely not. If you get into a car crash, are you just going to stop driving a car? No. That is Catastrophizing.

Its almost like shes got ptsd for Christians. Because mom and dad treated her bad because they have NPD that makes me a bad person? She doesnt even know me and because I believe in God I'm a bad person already. I guess its kinda like feminism, all white men are evil Nazi racists. Lol.

So I'm a representation of her parents? And you coming on here saying the same narrative, not listening to what I'm saying, just repeating how right you guys are, thats Narcissism.

No matter what I say, you guys will always think youre right. That you know everything. That I'm a bad person because I believe in God. That I have some how inflicted the same amount of pain and abuse her parents had done to her because I'm a Christian.

Shes got mom and dad issues. That is apparent, just look at her post history, I've seen it. I'm on her side when it comes to that. I believe she had a horrible experience with people who called themselves Christians, but they never were. I was also mistreated by so called Christians. But I dont blame Christians, I blame the mental issues they have.

If she would just take a moment to listen to what I'm saying she would realize that she is not alone in what happened to her. She is not alone in being mistreated by Narcissists posing as Christians, because ive also had to deal with my parents being the same way and to this day they say they believe in Christ.

I've also made the mistake of contacting them after years and being hurt again, and I've done that many times. Because for some odd reason I still care about them.

And You know one crazy thing about all this, I envy the fact she doesnt live with narcissistic people anymore. Because guess what? Ive had to live with a new Narcissist, who lives under my roof, my mother in law. A woman who had been able to crush me into sand, ruined any passion I had as an artist for 3 years, make me feel so worthless I didnt buy new clothes or glasses, she gave me jewelry and then stole them from me as I was sleeping, shes embarrassed and belittled me in public, had her friends and co-workers bully me, and nearly was the reason for my divorce. And guess what? She calls herself a Christian. She says she believes in God. In fact you cant tell the woman shes not a Christian because she'll storm off, tyrade, And give you hell.

But whatever I'm just a narcissistic sanctimonious christian. Bravo for the conclusion. Bravo.

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