Ever smashed the glass against your teeth when you go to drink?

You lost me at I.Q test. They're not good.

It was written at the end of my post. Surely "good" is relative (in this context)? Can you suggest a better method for judging intelligence? Not necessarily as a bet (since it's pretty apparent you're only good at insulting me over the internet) but I would be interested to see how I fare on other exams.

But you seem pretty confidant, so I conceded that you would probably win, this only shows that you are better at passing I.Q than I, also I don't have £10,000 to throw away.

That's not how my brain works. I don't lack or have confidence--there's nothing there. I've done the math, and the statistical chances of you having a greater I.Q are incredibly low. If you're not willing to measure our intelligence and then bet on who's smarter, it seems somewhat strange to stalk me and then call me an idiot.

Plus claiming he's an idiot for keeping the CC. So what he made a mistake it doesn't make him an idiot, it only makes him human.

You're forgetting what the thread title was, and this is what happens when you start stalking people into unrelated threads. The thread was about serendipitous fuck ups. His equations were fuck ups that had a positive effect, you can claim they weren't all you like, but so far your knowledge seems very limited and you are trying to pick at what I have said--you haven't actually gone outside the scope of that. He removed the constant but kept the equations the same. Consider it like trying to build a house but you remove the bricks from the equation. What do you have to create the wall? What you're left with is cement--this cement can be used for other things. An intelligent person will realise the equation is broken and try to fix it. He didn't try to fix it, he broke it and left it alone. Other people used the "cement" to their advantage, and this it;s somewhat of a serendipitous fuck up.

Even if you disagree with me that I think he was a silly half-wit who's only useful function was to be a tool for others during his living years, it doesn't subtract from the point of my main argument at the time. I also mentioned other people and ideas, for example the microwave. You didn't target those points, you targeted one of my points out of my main argument. This is called contextomy and a strawman fallacy.

When you combine these things, it's pretty apparent you are indeed a moron or simply a troll; neither one is worth spending much time with, and for that reason I am going to delete these posts shortly after, since I have wasted enough time already.

Names have origins, they don't translate well.

I just find it amusing that the man you idolise--for most likely no reason other than because your silly teacher told you to--has a name that loosely translates to "idiot" that's all.

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