Have you ever taken an intentional break from dating/ sex? How did it go and did it benefit you?

I have been lately, and honestly, it's been really refreshing. I was dating nonstop throughout my 20's, and all sorts of relationships - good ones, downright abusive ones, all sorts of commitment from an engagement to a few serious relationships to lots of flings. And I was a person who kind of took on the personality of whomever I was most interested in, and I found I had issues with being indecisive and unassertive. Since I don't want kids and don't particularly care about marriage, I figured there's absolutely no reason I can't take a while off and focus on myself.

I've gotten far more assertive and confident in my own personality and habits, which was well needed. I've had the time to focus on establishing a lot of good habits. (And not even necessarily anything major - but for example, my nightly skincare routine took a huge hit from going out on dates every other night, or lazily just going to bed with a boyfriend instead of making a stop in the bathroom to clean up. It's a lot easier to focus on maintaining that when it's just me and my dog and fewer excuses.) And now, I'm getting to the point where I think the break may be over. I'm starting to desire some close companionship again, but it feels like this really nice, organic evolution. I'm not desperate for companionship, but I'm in a place where I feel like I can appreciate it more if it happens, and also where I don't NEED it anymore - if I just have me for the rest of my life, I'm content (and honestly, I may be more sane that way!).

/r/AskWomen Thread