Have you ever thought about what kind of star / astronomical body you are?

I believe I met a black hole person, with the following properties:

  • No grounding, truth, or reality (gaslighting, lying, perception distortion)

  • No substance, value, or kindness provided or emitted (but created the appearance of to bring others closer)

  • Fed off triggering sympathy, compassion, and kindness from others

  • Complete lack of consideration for others as well as knowledge of the impact on others

This person "burned me out", after which point I went into a weak phase of bliss before completely collapsing.

Upon collapsing, I struggled with a choice of what I wanted to become. I had the option of becoming a being similar to this person, and I chose not to.

I was wondering whether I was a neutron star or a white dwarf, but neutron stars form from the collapsing of giant stars and have no polarity, thus they wouldn't exactly be threatened by the presence of a black hole blocking it from impacting others. I seem to still be threatened and impeded by black hole type people, and still wish to help others. I also don't think I ever had the influence or strength of a giant star. As a result, the most likely path for me was to have become a white dwarf.

All of this stems from "as above, so below", and there appears to be some odd connections between certain types of people and black holes, especially. A black hole is a place where everything disappears, if you get sucked in you lose your sense of self, everything goes dark, you're drained, you don't know what's real, and the laws of physics (i.e. "reality") don't apply. This describes the presence and influence of some people on others exceptionally well.

You have to admit, there's some uncanny commonalities with spiritual and human lingo as well:

  • We are "light"

  • I was "burned out" (as if I was a fire) of some kind)

  • He's really "bright"

  • You're my "shining star"

I'm sure there are others. Words like these don't actually make any literal sense if you're looking at people like matter, a body, or a person. They don't even make any metaphorical sense until you see someone as energy, and even then it's iffy. It's like these words generated out of thin air, which only seems to make sense if the above IS the below, therefore we are stars, and their is a common universal intelligence that knows this and provided the words to us.

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