Is it ever too late to get into a certain MMORPG? Are there MMORPG's that are just not feasible to join in 2019?

no. while many of the content are being run by smurfs,alts and bots for some odd reason

you just cannot get people who aren't trolling or not botting to run the EX runs without friends or begging your guild to help you.

there are also several optional dailies and weekies that you will find extremely hard to get a group going for which you need to do multiple times to gear yourself up.

while there is a dungeon that will powerlevel you up, ff14 is a game where levels mean nothing and items are what you need and you WILL get kicked from most groups for not having the proper equipment.

not to mention there are several "blank" levels where u just have nothing to run but grind for levels and the grind in the game suck so hard

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