Every conflict between the Alliance and Horde in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms since the Third War

Hmm; I had noticed in the Silithus- 110 horde questline that goblins claimed the alliance attacked them first, and when you bring the Lord Admiral's box back from the Siege of Boralus dungeon, the receiving NPC comments that "this is what started the war" (also when you get the in-game for this cinematic), so I assumed it meant Jaina did roughly the same thing in Silithus as she did in Lordaeron (since Lordaeron was after, and didn't start the war), but looking into the most reasonable source for this information, the Elegy/Good War novel-combo, Elegy mentions that they sent the Explorer's League, who died in Silithus. Jaina doesn't get a mention there at all...

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