Every day he is coming to our side slowly

My SO told me I should really try applying for a regular job, and after a ton of protesting (I can’t do it, they won’t hire me, I’d just get fired after a week, I’m too stupid, yadda yadda) I gave in and did it.
It was just a minimum wage food job but I loved it. I’m still friends with the manager. She encouraged me, complimented my progress (even though it was slow), and even promoted me to shift leader after only 5 months working there. I’ve never been a leader. I know it’s not a glamorous job but after the learning curve I was really fucking good at it. It meant the world to me, and gave me the confidence to branch out to better jobs.
I feel like, if I can work an agonizing, fast pace, back breaking, customer service job on my feet every day...I can do other jobs if I acquire the skills. If I can tell my manager “I want a promotion and a raise” I can get assert my value in other areas.
Hope that makes sense, I’m sleepy.

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