Every day on the roads, I'm astounded by how many people think safe braking distance = invitation to merge

I mean no offence by this but its largely a cultural thing and reflects the road values of the country where the individual learnt to drive.

I learnt to drive in aus, in a coastal town (not a city). So i am very used to giving people space on the road and driving defensively (never know when a wombat will fuck up your shit)

When i drive in se asia i cause a lot of traffic. The way i drive is not compatible and my refusal to pull into tiny gaps or push my way into traffic cause more traffic ( as i am the outlier who is driving differently to everyone else)

Australia is incredibly multicultural (which is great) however this means that especially in our cities we see people who are legally allowed to drive in australia who unfortunately dont know how to drive in australia.

/r/melbourne Thread