Every game I play as jungler I lose because I have no pressure early game. Help please!

Your win rates on Rek, Panth, and Voli aren't even bad; 56%, 55%, and 61% win rates indicate you're playing those champs on an above average level for your MMR. Your Udyr and Fizz win rates, 52% and 42%, leave a bit to be desired, especially given that your KDA with those two champs is pretty bad.

My advice, drop Udyr and Fizz until you've climbed a few tiers (e.g. Gold V to Gold II), then play normals with those champs and see if your perspective on playing them has changed.

As far as gank pathing, all the junglers you play (Vi, Rek, Voli, Panth) are really good at lane ganking or counterganking top and bot. Vi and Rek are situationally good at ganking mid lane (Rek can tunnel through enemy wraiths, Vi can basically just Q->R from anywhere against immobile mages.

If your top is pushed, just go through lane and sit in brush. You don't have to countergank, you can just standard gank or dive them. Think about the most optimal way to perform a gank. On Vi, for example, the best way to gank is to get your top laner to use some sort of CC on your opponent, and to hit a fully charged Q on them that they can't dodge. Fully charged Vi Q is enough to chunk most top laners for at least 20% of their HP, Q->AA->E is a huge chunk. You can follow-up with ult if they dash/flash away or flash after them pre-6. Same goes for bot lane but it helps to have either the buff from smiting raptors (reveals wards in brush), red trinket, or a pink. Lane brush is pretty often warded in bot lane, it's almost never warded top.

Don't be afraid to engage with flash on any of your jungle champs other than Panth. Just make sure you ping the laner you're ganking for, ping the target, and tell them to go HAM when you all-in. Voli flash+Q, Vi flash+Q, and Rek flash+knock-up all are solid ways to engage a gank

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