Every goddamn time

The thing that kills me the most about media is that they play both sides of the fence in the race war, trying to make riots happen, and I am not entirely sure that it isn't to distract us from a bigger issue at hand.

What issue? Who knows.

But I believe that there is a strategy behind choosing what makes headlines and how it is presented.

If you think about events like Ferguson and the Charleston Shooting was presented in a way that puts a blatant and racially charged significance in the way that they present white people as being homicidal towards black people due to stereotypes that already fuel the race war (police brutality towards black people, ideas central to the 'black lives don't matter' mentality, and showing large groups of black people rioting while editing out images like this taken at the scene of the riots to paint a much darker picture than what is really going on. This enrages black people to the point where they feel the need to fight back and thus rioting ensues.

On the other side of the fence however, and maybe not so obvious, is how the media is attempting to anger white people using strategies they know will likely ensue rioting as well such as making a huge deal about changing the 'rebel flag' as to bring the emotionally illogical side of those white people that feel somehow connected to this symbol as being a part of 'white culture'. This news broadcast will likely not go on for days about how the shooter was black, how the people he shot were white, or what that means in terms of the definition of racially biased news.

As white people will respond to this more aggressively because many get this attitude of "A black guy gets shot by a white guy, it makes news for 2 weeks straight of 24 hour coverage, but if a white woman get shot by a black guy it's no big deal (as far as race is concerned)". Stepping out of this seemingly inevitable conflict that is bound to ensue as a result of both black people and white people being fed information that in such a way that is designed to anger them, one is left to ask, why?

The answer, at least as shown in history, is to "Divide and Conquer". We are all brothers and sisters. There are sick people in this world. We can't stand divided and we can't let those who pull the strings at these news stations dictate our emotions. We must become free thinkers and until we do, I only see the world getting worse.

/r/BlackPeopleTwitter Thread Parent Link - imgur.com