Every Group Except Older Republicans Is Concerned About Climate Change

You may even had a point except that things are not the same today. If you are old enough to remember them you must know how primitive we were then. The science of modeling was very young and the data almost non-existent. Think about it, we used telephone books and were hardly able to communicate across the continent reliably, let alone have quality data of any sort. That is certainly not the case today, where we have a glut of monitoring and data with vast measurement and predictive capabilities. They got certain things wrong then, especially the timing, but even then they detected things were not right as far back as the 1950s, or even 1900s. Thing is, we have been simply lucky so far to avoid the worst.

And it doesn't matter what China does, that is a different conversation that our Government and ultimately our future diplomats, and maybe troops will have to address - it is our responsibility to take care of things we can control.

Like retirement planning, starting early makes it easier - wait too long and you screw yourself. It is the responsible Republican thing to do, personal responsibility, get the kids involved, it will be their world - let them invest in it.

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