Every morning stars with me reminding myself that i did the morally right choice. Someday we'll get our ships... someday.

THANK YOU. I keep seeing people say "American-style democracy" but America is not a democracy. It's a constitutional republic with democratically elected representatives. It's not like the whole of America has a national vote on every bill or motion.

The US is a collection of states (united states, you could call them) with local governance that each hold elections to nominate a representative who takes a seat in a national senate or congress, etc. Scaled up to Elite levels, it would be like each planet having regional governors answering to a planetary governor answering to a system-wide senator answering ultimately to the Federation President. Each individual system would have a measure of autonomy with its own laws and prohibitions, within the framework of a "global" Federal law that all agree to abide by. How is this fundamentally any different from the Alliance, or from the "superior" EU system that /u/KeimaKatsuragi gave? It's basically just the same thing but with a weakened/neutered federal government.

I fail to see any reason why a republic would be inadequate in a multi-stellar society.

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