Every unified republican government ever has led to a financial crash.

Here's an example. A certain anti-virus software company from San Francisco recently sold their endpoint client application to our company which employs a few thousand people all of whom use a computer for their daily work, of course. The software is complete shit and actually causes serious problems on the systems of workstation devices on which the app is installed (like, creating a local file database which consumes the entirety of available hard disk space, for instance). But this company's sales staff must be fresh as fuck, because somewhere some director or VP from our enterprise must have met some sales person during an industry convention or something and was probably wooed over expensive steak and scotch or something. And so now we are forced to have this destructive software installed on all our machines. This software could not be profitable if it were sold in the general market place. So its authors must attempt to earn contracts with captured audiences of enterprise employees.

It is my opinion that this business model is not sustainable, but will make its founders very rich before it collapses and dies like it should.

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