Everybody Plays Anything! June 18th

Hey lookie! I actually found out when these get posted so I'm not 22 hours late. Not that anyone really knows who I am, I don't have a flair on the main sub and I mostly lurk in both places. Not sure if I've actually posted anything here, truth be told.

Anyways, I've had a few things to drink, so why not post some videos I made a while ago? If I want, I can always delete this later.


The best series ever. Not really. Self review: No commentary/10. Well, not really. There is text you can read, and you probably will end up reading at least some of it because it pops up in annoying spots and is full of bad jokes that are often forced. But hey, I suffered through this challenge, you can suffer through my disembodied words and bad role-playing.

Or you could just not watch it, some of the episodes are arduously long, and there's a grand total of 46 of them.

It also features bad editing. Learn what not to do here!

Maybe I'm too harsh on myself. Maybe not. You judge.

NOW FOR NUMBER TWO: DARK SOULS 2, BLIND SL1 CHALLENGE The other best series ever. Same sort of stuff. Self review: Bad life commentary/10. Yay, I get to talk. What about? Hell if I know, I tend to mumble, and tried to fix it by fiddling with the audio. Not sure if that worked out. My ears are a little fucked up and everything is at least slightly muffled most of the time.

The series is not done. Only 15 episodes of cowardice in the face of uncertainty. I'll get around to it eventually, the main reason I stopped is because of video file corruption. Also present in the last series, but it was mostly manageable. Fortunately I didn't actually do anything important in episode 16, I just walked around until I ran into some dudes I didn't want to fight, who chased me into a pit. Surprisingly, I did not die until they jumped down and finished me off.

Some day soonish, I'll get back up and PWN them. And by PWN, I mean run away and hope I find the next bonfire or boss.

Anyways, I'll post an update when it happens, and when I'm in a similar mental state to my current one.

Now back to my lurking.

/r/fireemblemcasual Thread