Everyone deserves a cute bakery girlfriend

Trust me, I hear what you're saying. But what do you propose? That women worldwide at once drop their vigilance and stop protecting themselves, because you feel like it's unfair? You realize how many women would get hurt? Sorry, but I am going to choose my safety over someone's ego.

And to lump women in with racists and bigots for protecting themselves is unfair. Those people deny any issues that their "own" group has in order to push an agenda. White people mug plenty of people too. If women would be harassing me too, but just on a lower rate or whatever, then you could call me a bigot for only being vigilant around men. But nope, it's only men that harass me (and do it often), so I'm not going to feel bad for not immediately trusting every man I see.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it