Everyone knows that massive billboards are more important than AC.

Try and stay compassionate. It's the same reason that I didn't poke fun at Texas in February. I just offered help to the people I know that lived there. (Short of a little water damage everyone held out fine)

These same people that (before the storm) made fun of me when my power went out "what? They can't keep the lights on over there in California? Har har har"

But February was different, it was a crisis and a crisis is not the time for poking fun or getting back at people. It a time for empathy and any aid you can provide.

After the crisis then you can poke fun. I sure as shit am not letting them get away with poking fun at California's grid any more.

Anyway, it's hard, but thank you for rising above the people on both sides that try to use a crisis as an opportunity for a cheap punch.

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