Everyone, meet my co-worker

Well, i'm sorry it came across this way. I dont believe that humans are omnivores. Also im not peddleing alternate medicine at all. I would like to know why we are omnivores seeing as we dont look anything like a typical omnivore, which is something like a dog, hog or bird. Infact I see people saying we evolved from primates and what do you know. About 70% of their diet consists of fruit, the rest of it veg and seeds, all raw.

If you learned how the body works you would understand why lymph nodes are important, they are essentially a septic system to the body in removing cellular wastes, because each cell needs to eat and poop, once you remove the ability to remove wastes you bring in the ability of disease. By eating an omnivourous diet you increase the amount of cellular wastes produced to the point where you lose function of the kidneys, which remove this waste through filtration of the blood. You basically become stagnant.

Again i'm sorry with what I said I only meant to help you. I didnt want to cause upset so ill stop here, when/if you reply ill delete these comments.

/r/AdviceAnimals Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com