Everyone on the Internet right now

I'm not big on boxing, and not many of my friends are either. In fact, I don't know anyone who actively follows the boxing world, but when I saw the fight card immediately read up on what was going down and why it was such a big deal. They both had an excellent fight record, and have become quite skilled at punching other people.

Now, most sports have a following because the fans of said sport enjoy partaking in the sport themselves, or have had a history playing. Some of them get caught up as a kid watching the 'big game/fight' with their families and become fans. Maybe someone watches Motorsport because they are a car enthusiast and they enjoy the thrill of watching a talented driver race around a tricky track. But what about boxing? Two men punching the shit out of each other until one falls down or the rounds expire, to which we calculate how many punches landed and how much damage was dealt. Damage.

Now, as adults we remember back to being kids and how the idea of fighting was taboo and horrible, it was something we would get in trouble for. We might have copped a punch or two, which isn't very nice, and may have thrown a punch or two, which also doesn't feel very nice. Violence is then wired into our minds as a bad and mostly unnecessary motion. We teach this to our children, and enforce anti-violence in society. It is illegal to strike another human, unless they strike you first, and even then it is debatable.

So we live in a world where violence is frowned upon and outcast by a larger portion of society, and wonder why boxing is dying out. Maybe the younger generations in the modern world just don't like watching two grown men punch the shit out of each other as much as the generations prior to us, who admittedly weren't wrapped in as much cotton wool as we were growing up. I don't condone violence, and I personally wouldn't pay to watch a glorified fighter attack another person, whether or not the attacks are mutual.

It's sad that boxing is becoming more and more unpopular over time, but I feel that violence itself is essentially not as popular in the modern world. It's no longer about who is the toughest in society, it's about who is the smartest.

I could be waaaaay off the ball with my thoughts, but maybe I'm onto something. I don't know.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com